Clark / CIHa lecture series: 

Art Worlds of Brazil / Os Mundos da arte no Brasil

Art Worlds of Brazil / Os Mundos da Arte no Brasil was a series of pre-recorded lectures released in the year leading up to the 35th Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) World Congress: “Motion: Migrations,” held in São Paulo January 17–21, 2022. 

Each month from September 2020 to June 2021, a scholar and foremost expert from Brazil presented a lecture on Brazil’s artistic heritage and contemporary culture, with topics ranging from Afro-Brazilian contemporary art to Indigenous art and collections, and many more exciting subjects. These talks introduced viewers to the rich, varied, and historically complex art environments of Brazil, spanning architecture, museums, galleries, collectives, alternative circuits, and artistic traditions originating within and expanding beyond the country’s borders. 

This series offers a rare chance to learn directly from the academics and museum professionals who are researching, writing, teaching, conserving, and exhibiting these histories today.

This virtual series was organized by Claudia Mattos Avolese, member of the CIHA São Paulo organizing committee, in collaboration with RAP.

Schedule of Lectures

September 24, 2020Colonial Art and Architecture in Brazil with André Tavares (Federal University of São Paulo)

October 29, 2020European Collections in Brazil with Patricia D. Meneses (State University of Campinas, UNICAMP)

November 19, 2020Nineteenth-Century Art Collections in Brazil with Valeria Piccoli (Pinacoteca São Paulo)

December 10, 2020 Indigenous Art and Art Collections in Brazil with Naine Terena (Catholic University of Mato Grosso do Sul) [This lecture will be presented in Portuguese with English subtitles.]

January 28, 2021Contemporary Art Circuits in São Paulo (MAM, MAC, Biennale, Instituto Tomie Othake, SESC, Itaú Cultural, VideoBrasil) with Ana Magalhães (Contemporary Art Museum, University São Paulo)

February 25, 2021African and Afro-Brazilian Art Collections in Brazil with Roberto Conduru (Southern Methodist University)

March 19, 2021 – Afro-Brazilian Contemporary Art Circuits in Brazil with Hélio Menezes (independent curator) 

April 22, 2021Art Galleries in São Paulo and São Paulo Art Fair with Felipe Chaimovich (Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado)

May 27, 2021Modern Architecture and Landscape Design in Brazil with Vera Beatriz Siqueira (State University of Rio de Janeiro)

June 24, 2021Japanese Art Traditions in Brazilian Contexts with Michiko Okano (Federal University of São Paulo)

Virtual programs at the Clark have been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these programs do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.