Modern Architecture and Landscape Design in Brazil with Vera Beatriz Siqueira
May 27, 2021
From selected moments of the modern architectural and landscape design experience in Brazil, this lecture reflects on the formation of the canon of what came to be known as the Brazilian Style or Modern Tropical Garden. It covers a temporal arch from the 1920s to the 1970s and shows iconic works in different parts of Brazil, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Recife, and Brasilia.

Oscar Niemeyer, Grande Hotel, Ouro Preto, 1938
Gregori and Mina Warchavchik, Modernist House, Rua Itápolis, São Paulo, 1930
Le Corbusier, Ministry of Education and Health building, Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Roberto Burle Marx, Rooftop garden for the Ministry of Education and Health building, Rio de Janeiro
Roberto Burle Marx, Copacabana boardwalk, 1970
Villanova Artigas, FAU/Usp building, 1961
Villanova Artigas, Elza Berquó residence, 1967
Photo of Brasilia construction, including Oscar Niemeyer, Brasilia Cathedral, 1950s
Lelé, Sarah Hospital building, Brasília, 1980
Vera Beatriz Siqueira is an art historian and professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She is the author of several books and articles on modern Brazilian art, including some on Roberto Burle Marx’s artistic and landscaping work. She was a guest scholar at the Getty Research Institute in 2012 and 2020. She is currently the coordinator of Arts graduate programs in Brazil at CAPES, an agency of the Ministry of Education.