Roberto Conduru

Southern Methodist University

09/06/2021 - 12/31/2021

Roberto Conduru

Roberto Conduru is the Endowed Distinguished Professor of Art History at Southern Methodist University. He has also served as president of the Brazilian Committee of Art History (2007–2010). Conduru’s published works include Axé Bahia: The Power of Art in an Afro-Brazilian Metropolis (Fowler Museum UCLA, 2017); Architecture Agouda au Bénin et au Togo (MRE, 2016); Pérolas Negras - Primeiros Fios (EdUERJ, 2013); Arte Afro-Brasileira (C/Arte, 2007); and the monographs Frida Baranek (Barléu, 2014), Paulo Pasta (Barléu, 2013), Jorge Guinle (Barléu, 2009), and Willys Castro (CosacNaify, 2005). At the Clark, he will be writing a book that addresses contemporary artworks that reflect on the body and material artifacts in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, in the practices and cultures of slavery in Brazil, and in the processes of resistance and emancipation by Africans and their African-Brazilian descendants.