Enchanted Places


Collect natural materials to create your own fanciful structures inspired by Norwegian folklore and the landscapes in the exhibition Nikolai Astrup: Visions of Norway. Visit the exhibition microsite to learn more about Nikolai Astrup and his artClick here for a full list of artworks in the video. 


After you enjoy the introductory video and get building, click here to submit photos of your creation for our digital display! 

Fairy Teatime 

"When the fairies get tired from working and playing, they sit down at their mushroom table for a cup of pine sap tea."

Cloud Forest Fairy House by Cynthia Pegado

"High in the cloud forest realm, fairies build their homes of bark and moss. As keepers of enchanted song and way-finding, each home has a unique sound-making feature woven into its architecture."

Fairy Village Condo by Bill Marx

"Fairy Village Vacation Condo: State of the art vacation home for future fairies, for sale or lease--Open concept design with 360 degree view, inground splash pool, spa, and private lily pads." 

Fairy House by Maya and Ben

"They mixed mud for mortar and created a tiny stone house with a river running beside it."

Fairy House by Jackson, Age 7

"This is a rustic fairy house in a cave where the fairies can go if there is danger. The bark roof protects the entrance from rain and a rock protects the entrance from outsiders. The wooden fence and pine tree hide the entrance though the stone steps lead up to it for the fairies when they are going in and out. They also have some food planted outside the rock. They feel very safe in this cave house."

Fairy House by Abdullah, Age 6

"Fairy Name: Fire Eldur. Home: Fire pit. Interests: He likes to throw fireballs and make lava sculptures. He uses steam to hide himself." This is from The Ridge Creative Center Summer Program, Brooklyn, NY.

Fairy House by The Mystic Man

"The Two Friends Abode" 

The spring time forage camp where stick man Steve and Pine cone Perry Enjoy their gathered treats and tell stories of their epic battles protecting the fairies and their super powers all while roasting clove flowers over fire. Steve and Perry have plans of construction to provide ample space for their comrades to enjoy a little recreation too.

Beach Fairy House by Colin

"For 2021, this open air seasonal cabana provides panoramic views of the water and spectacular sunsets. All site-sourced materials. Just bring your beach towels, sunscreen, snacks and beverages of choice. Not pictured, pink granite and oyster shell fire pit."

Lilly of the Valley by Marlena Robin, Age 3

"The Red Fairy made this nice little cozy place for her daughter Lilly, the Orange Fairy (made of resin). She’s really nice. Lilly is tucked in a fairy blanket (a leaf) that her mother made for her, and her bed is made of rock. She is surrounded by red impatiens and lilies of the valley, which is where she got her name. Her parents take care of her. She's so sweet. I made this with Grandma."

Fairy House Magical Gathering Place by Cynthia Pegado

“This is a place not marked on any map, but known to all fairies; a magical gathering place rarely found by humans.” 

House of the Fairy Wings by Ed Smith

"On their first birthday, young fairies nestle together here in shelled beds. As they sleep, the Fairy Queen throws fairy dust on them so when they awaken they will have their wings. Then off they go!" 

Fairy House by Musfirah, Age 5

"Fairy Name: Pinky Peony. Home: She lives in a flower house that is pink. Interests: She likes to make jokes and make people laugh. She also likes to tickle people." This is from The Ridge Creative Center Summer Program, Brooklyn, NY.

Fairy House by Karen

"My fairies were so pleased when I put this in the garden for them but now they are asking for some furniture. I’m working on that now." 

Fairy House by C. T. 

"This is the summer retreat of the fairy Marilla Aster, a place she likes to stay when she needs to get a well-deserved nap after a long day of herding butterflies and gathering nectar. Marilla adores fashion and making her own hats and coats. A few roots over you can view her workshop with her trestle table laid out with new embellishments she had discovered in woods and will add to couture. Marilla enjoys sewing and makes custom ensembles for all of her friends and family. Many of her pieces in progress hang on the cloth line in the back. If you look closely, you may just spot a stray needle and some thread that Marilla has forgotten to put away."

Fairy House by A. S. 

"The fairies in this house are artists who use this as their vacation home to paint the scenery and get inspired by the collection."

Fairy House by Brian Walak

"I created these houses about 4 years ago for a geocache event that the Berkshire Geobash group had. Most of my inspiration for 6 houses I made came from stories about Mt Greylock. One house was a replica of Bascom Lodge."

Fairy Dream Chamber by Cynthia Pegado

"From their dream chamber sphere, crystal fairies create the beautiful dreams they send to us in our sleep. The dream crystal is fueled by luminous energies collected by the fairies from full moons and solar eclipse halos across the millennia."

Fairy House by Ben

"Leftover wheatgrass became straw roofs. The roots of the large oak tree have been the stage for many fairy homes during the pandemic."

Fairy House by Taylor, Age 5

"The white birch fence keeps the kids nearby. They have a garden with tomatoes and corn and beans. Their table is a slice of a birch branch with rocks for the chairs. The table is set with tomatoes and lettuce. The roof over the pine needle entrance keeps them dry. There is a sculpture in front of the Christmas tree. The pine cone fence gives them privacy from anyone up behind. They love living here in the summer."

Fairy House by Jiji, Age 9

"Fairy Name: Diana. Home: Bush. Interests: Making flowers bloom and sparkle." This is from The Ridge Creative Center Summer Program, Brooklyn, NY.

Fairy House by Pat G.

"Irish fairy Qinty, a noted chef, hosts a Summer Shooting Star party tonight in her front garden with a banquet log all set. Fern frond salad tossed with morning dew and crumbled lace flowers followed by wild thyme/pine needle pesto over al dente daisy petals will be served with marigold sun tea. Her famous dessert is whipped nectar atop lavender/ green moss compote. When she and her guests gaze up at the shooting stars, they will sip wild blueberry mead aged in a birch bark cask. What a party!"

Fairy House by M. P. 

"The rock is their picnic table, and their favorite food is acorn soup!"