Print Room Pop-Up: Lights, Camera, Landscape!
Sunday, December 1, 2024
11:00 AM–1:00 PM
Manton Study Center for Works on Paper
(See the event location map)
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As part of First Sunday Free at the Clark, enjoy a special display of works on paper in the Manton Study Center for Works on Paper inspired by the exhibition Abelardo Morell: In the Company of Monet and Constable. Like Morell and the nineteenth-century figures that he points to in his photographs, artists throughout history have found inspiration in nature, working en plein air to observe the effects of light and atmosphere on the environment. The selected prints, drawings, and photographs illustrate artists’ engagement with the natural world. The display also highlights a type of photographic print that emerged in the mid- to late-1800s: the cliché verre, or glass print technique, which was used by many of Monet and Constable’s contemporaries, including Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and Jean-François Millet.
Free. For accessibility questions, call 413 458 0524.
Image: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Trees on the Mountain (Les Arbres dans la Montagne) (detail), 1856, printed 1921, cliché-verre, gelatin printing-out print. The Clark, 2020.2.24
Free. For accessibility questions, call 413 458 0524.
Image: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Trees on the Mountain (Les Arbres dans la Montagne) (detail), 1856, printed 1921, cliché-verre, gelatin printing-out print. The Clark, 2020.2.24