Writing and Revolution
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
4:00 PM–6:00 PM
Fernández Terrace
(See the event location map)
Get directions to the Clark
As part of the free Wednesday evening hours this summer, and in connection with the Guillaume Lethière exhibition, join us for a drop-in writing program exploring how creative writing can be used for political and social change. Just as artist Guillaume Lethière depicted themes of revolt and revolution in his paintings and drawings, participants will discuss the power of words to create change, and gather together to write and share words of change in a casual workshop setting.
Free. Open to all ages; recommended for ages 12+. Pick up writing prompts at the Clark Center admissions desk. From 4–5 pm, workshop participants have free access to the Guillaume Lethière exhibition. From 5–6 pm, reserved Fernández Terrace seating is available for participants; discussion and time to share writing takes place from 5:30–6 pm. Rain moves the workshop to the Family Room, located in the Clark Center.
Image: Adolphe Roehn, Swearing in of President Boyer before the Palace of Haiti (detail), c. 1818, oil on canvas. The Clark, 2019.3
Free. Open to all ages; recommended for ages 12+. Pick up writing prompts at the Clark Center admissions desk. From 4–5 pm, workshop participants have free access to the Guillaume Lethière exhibition. From 5–6 pm, reserved Fernández Terrace seating is available for participants; discussion and time to share writing takes place from 5:30–6 pm. Rain moves the workshop to the Family Room, located in the Clark Center.
Image: Adolphe Roehn, Swearing in of President Boyer before the Palace of Haiti (detail), c. 1818, oil on canvas. The Clark, 2019.3